[table colwidth=”200|280|280|280|280|280″ colalign=”left|left|left|left|left|left”]
Programme Name,Introductory Class ,Basic Course, Advance Course,DSA Program,Accreditation
No. of Hours,1 – 2 hours depending on No. of participant ,1 – 32 hours depending on No. of participant ,Min 1.5hours per session ,1 – 2 hours depending on No. of participant, 1-2 hours
NO. OF SESSIONS,4,4,8,8 sessions per mth, once per mth
INSTRUCTOR TO STUDENT RATIO,1 instructor to 5 shooters,1 instructor to 5 shooters,1 instructor to 5 shooters,1 instructor to 5 shooters,1 instructor to 5 shooters
TOPIC COVERED,Safety rules and regulations ~~Technical handling ~~Basic aiming technical ~~Shooting with support in modified position,Safety rules and regulations ~~Olympic style of shooting ~~Proper cheek-in method ~~Triggering technique ~~Sighting of air gun ~~Breathing Control ~~Last lesson – Competition with 20 shots on 5 target cards with scoring and coach report on individual,Safety rules and regulations ~~Use of Laser Technology in training ~~Proper approach to target ~~Analysis of standing stance ~~2 Stages triggering technique ~~Personal Adjustment of air gun ~~Competition format and competition rules ~~Last lesson – Competition with 20 shots on 5 target cards with scoring and coach report on individual,Use of Laser Technology in training ~~Personalized training regime ~~Participation in local shooting competitions,Participants will be required to fulfil a minimum of 24 training hours after advance course prior to registration. ~~A detailed shooting report containing the participant’s results and training condition will be issued. ~~A recommendation letter will be issued should the participant reach the pre-determined shooting score.
COURSE FEE INCLUSIVE OF,Rental of lanes ~~Rental of air gun ~~Target cards~~ Ammunitions ~~Course notes ~~Certificate will be issued upon successful completion,Rental of lanes~~ Rental of air gun~~ Target cards ~~Ammunitions ~~Course notes ~~Certificate will be issued upon successful completion,Rental of lanes~~ Rental of air gun ~~Target cards ~~Ammunitions~~ Course notes ~~Certificate will be issued upon successful completion,Rental of lanes ~~Rental of air gun ~~Target cards ~~Ammunitions,Rental of lanes ~~Rental of air gun ~~Target cards ~~Ammunitions
AVAILABLE COURSE TIME ($300 charges for out of standard course time),TBA,TBA,TBA,Monday to Friday – 1400hrs to 2130hrs ~~Saturday & Sunday – 0930hrs to 1700hrs, Arrangement to be made [/table]
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Programme Name,Proficiency Course, Shooting Clinic
No. of Hours,6 hours, 2 hours
INSTRUCTOR TO STUDENT RATIO,1 instructor to 6 shooters,1 instructor to 6 shooters(min. 3paxs)
TOPIC COVERED,Safety rules and regulations ~~Technical handling (Rifle and Pistol) ~~Olympic style of shooting ~~Basic aiming technique ~~Triggering technique ~~Breathing control during shot, Proper approach to target ~~Analysis of standing stance ~~Triggering technique ~~Sighting of air gun ~~Breathing control
COURSE FEE INCLUSIVE OF,Rental of lanes ~~Rental of air gun ~~Target cards~~ Ammunition ~~Course notes ~~Certificate will be issued upon successful completion,Rental of lanes~~ Rental of air gun~~ Target cards ~~Ammunition
AVAILABLE COURSE TIME ($300 charges for out of standard course time),3rd Sunday of every month 1000hrs to 1600hrs, TBA
REMARKS, Requirement prior to joining HomeTeamNS Gun Club, For HTNS Member only[/table]